Blog_Resale of software licences

Microsoft lifts restriction on resale of software licences

In May 2020, Microsoft introduced a restrictive passage into its licencing regulations. Enterprise customers who switched to the cloud and claimed a discount for doing so could de facto no longer sell their existing licences. Now the software company has rowed back again.

The restriction, which was published in Microsoft’s licensing terms (“Product Terms”), affected larger enterprise customers in particular. These customers were mostly using their existing licences under “Software Assurance” in order to be able to take advantage of the permanent “Upgrade from SA” discount.

Lifting the restriction June 2021

Since the beginning of June, however, Microsoft has, without announcing it, removed the passage restricting sales from the licence conditions. Companies that now choose to purchase “Upgrade from SA” licences to switch to the cloud are henceforth free to dispose of licences which are no longer needed, such as those for Office and Windows. This is very welcome news as it means many companies can now finance the changeover to the cloud more easily. Many business people today still do not know that selling their unneeded Microsoft licences can be a profitable source of income.

Upgrade from Software Assurance – Licence Conditions from the Product Terms before and after May 2021.

Microsoft Product Terms en 1

Microsoft Product Terms May 2020 up to and including May 2021

Microsoft Product Terms 2 en 1

Microsoft Product Terms June 2021 after amendment – the statement that the customer must keep the licences has disappeared completely.

Source: From SA

Conclusion: selling software licences after moving to the cloud

If you have moved to the Microsoft cloud in recent years, you can sell us any “On Premise” licences that you no longer need. The same applies if you want to refinance a forthcoming move to the cloud. The Software ReUse team is at your disposal for a purchase offer!

Buy or sell used software licences

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